
Since I recognize that I'm not the first human being to follow Jesus, I highly value the voice of God that is found in the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16), and in the testimonies and traditions of those who have gone before us (Hebrews 12:1). I also believe that creation itself is a testament that God has written and that somehow Jesus is the author and source of life for the universe (John 1, Colossians 1:17). So I seek God's voice through exploring and studying His creation as well.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The following was inspired by Romans 3:21-31.

Being considered not-guilty is through faith. We don’t brag about the fact we don’t have to do anything for it, but are so happy that God has given us a free gift that we continue to live out the life He wanted us to in the Law. But does this happen? Mostly we take our free gift of being not-guilty and keep it selfishly to ourselves. We are afraid to tell others or step outside the box and live out our free gift (befriend those that no one would befriend) because we are afraid of the repercussions of this world. We don’t live the life that this gift of freedom gives. We should feel free to live out a life for God but we feel so trapped because of the world around us and the controlling ideas of addiction it entices you with. You don’t need a cell phone, the internet, a car, a boyfriend or girlfriend to be satisfied or more importantly free. These things can be good, but also addicting.

God gave Himself so that we all could have freedom in Him. Do you really know what freedom is? Do you think it is your parents being gone for the weekend or not having to go to work which provides an escape to do whatever it is you want? This isn’t going to make sense to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ. They will see freedom in doing what they want which is influenced by what the world thinks freedom is, but true freedom comes only from Jesus Christ. God gives the free gift of being considered not-guilty which allows a person to live a life of freedom, because living a godly life, though at times difficult, is freedom.

For those reading this you might agree and start reading a certain book of the Bible and praying more. Let’s say that you make it a week reading your Bible and praying but in the process you get board or do not “feel” that God is with you. And this is only after a week! It is time to question how caught up in this world you are! Why do you need results now? Is it because we have fast food restaurants where we can get food 24/7, or cell phones that help us never miss a text, or ipods so we can listen to any of our favorite songs whenever we want? All of the following are instant rewards. You want it you can get it! It has to happen today or tomorrow at the latest.

You are stuck in the addiction of being entertained and satisfied by your own worldly means. God gave freely so you could be free. Are you able to leave your cell phone at home or walk through a hall full of people without using your ipod? Is this freedom? Is it freedom not being to go somewhere without your cell or ipod? Is it freedom to always have something like music or the tv on in the background when you are working on a project totally unrelated to those? It sounds like you are in a prison of technology and “me.” You are unable to turn of the television or radio and sit in a room or go on a walk in silence with nothing there to distract you. Get away from all of the music, movies, rings, and dings of this world to a place of silence and freedom that Christ Jesus gave with His life. Jesus is not saying that you have to be Amish, but just take half an hour to an hour each day to get away from this prison that the world labels as free. Be free in God. It is the only way.

It is a free gift to freedom, but it isn’t easy. It means denying what this world values. Cell phones and ipods are not bad, but they can be addicting. If you are a Christian how much more time do you spend listening to your ipod, watching television, or talking/texting on your cell phone in comparison to praying and reading your Bible? Be honest! Freedom begins in putting the importance of God in front of your television, cell phone, and ipod. As you begin to do this like stated above you may want to stop because you aren’t “feeling” freedom from God. Don’t stop, great things like freedom are worth working for. If it was easy everyone would do it, but freedom takes work. Begin with 15 minutes a day four days a week. Get away from technology and spend your time in silence either reading your Bible or praying.

If you go for one month begin to build upon it. This may mean going from 15 minutes to 20 minutes or four days to five. It doesn’t matter just add on. If you don’t make it for a month take away. Freedom is worth struggling and working for, and as you continue on this path you will grow in freedom with God that eliminates these illusions of freedom (ipod, cell, television, ect.). There will be days where you see you are no longer dependent on having your ipod with you or “needing” the television on in order to do your homework. There will also be days where it isn’t as easy, but freedom is worth it. Jesus came freely and died for us so we could have freedom in this world through Him. It is the free gift of being considered not-guilty and part of His family. All are invited. Do you want a life of freedom?

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Last 10 Years

I remember 10 years ago I had just started school in Colorado. I had moved from England and probably had an accent. I was in the process of making friends. There was no way my little 8 year old mind could predict what would happen in the coming decade. I became permanently saved. I accepted Jesus as Lord in my heart and mind. I pursued Him and followed Him. I became friends with Him. Jesus says this, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." He is the best friend that I have. A friend who is selfless, who promises me eternal life. John 4: 14 is a great verse. I urge whoever is reading this to look it up.

A new decade approaches and my 18 year old mind cannot predict what will happen this decade. There is only one thing I will know, i'll be 28 when it's over. And with that, I leave the rest to my Lord.